Pascal Sommer

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visible in the background: some construction work in Worblaufen
architecture plus some green out of focus. lovin it.
much green. see also photo 979 or 931.
Looked like mannequins from afar but turns out they do in fact move.
I believe the serpent is no longer there unfortunately
Sierre Train Station
before the snow kicks in
Tidying up after a concert.
Back at it again with that industrial quarantine vibe.

Expect more wide-angle photos to pop up on here. Also feel free to point this statement out to me when a few months after this there's still nothing new.
Needs more reflections.
Outside ETH ETA F5
This is the kind of residential architecture I want to see more often.
Voltastrasse, Basel.
Lorrainebrücke, Bern.
0.6s exposure, handheld. obviously not on the first try...

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