Pascal Sommer

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Crkva sv. Duha u Vrbanju
Crkva Kraljica Neba i Zemlje
In the centre of Mali Lošinj
Near Rijeka
Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta, Aquileia.

Note that the bird is vital to the overall composition of this photo.
the stairs seemed to be solid enough to still walk around on
okay this is not exactly a bridge but i don't care okay
on the bridge is under the bridge
Next to the runway at Szentkirályszabadjai Repülőtér
Парк-паметник на българо-съветската дружба
A pipeline going across the Bokodi-hűtőtó lake
Entering Kecskéd
On this side of the statue, there was at least some shade available.
Pedestrian ramp over Leonard-Bernstein-Straße, Vienna

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