Pascal Sommer

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bandphoto of the birds
what a sight
Спомен парк Бубањ in Niš
Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta, Aquileia.

Note that the bird is vital to the overall composition of this photo.
off to new adventures
hi there
Photo by Pascal Sommer
always watching
there were thousands of them. THOUSANDS i tell you
Photo by Pascal Sommer
Bird Chillin
dramatic bird pose
look at it go
This is the 1000th photo on this website.

Note that the photo IDs have reached the number 1000 a while ago already, this is because I don't end up publishing every photo that I upload to this website. Some photos get deleted after some consideration, which means that the actual number of public photos has been dragging behind.

Thank you to all my regular visitors, I hope to keep you entertained with the next 1000 photos.
Photo by Pascal Sommer

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