Pascal Sommer

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are you tired of this spot yet?
Photo by Pascal Sommer
924m above sea level, right next to the ocean.
when even the Sony A7sII can't handle the darkness anymore
View from Bantiger towards Bern
Kaknästornet, a TV tower on the outskirts of Stockholm
67°51'24"N 20°12'40"E

View on Kiirunavaara and the LKAB premises.
67°52'35"N 20°09'41"E
Creux du Van, Neuchâtel
At the Beach Of Juodkrante, Curonian Spit
Fireworks on the Swiss National Day, 1. August
I'm so glad this fisherman has a sense of colour, and didn't turn up in a bright orange vest.
Photo by Pascal Sommer
Adding another shot from the probably most photographed spot in the area

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